Frequent questions
Who created Stumble Guys (GameLoop)?
Stumble Guys (GameLoop) was created by Kitka Games for Android devices after the success of Fall Guys. It was released on February 12, 2021, and since then, it has only gained popularity on Android.
How many players can Stumble Guys (GameLoop) maps hold?
Stumble Guys (GameLoop) maps can hold 32 players at the start of this fun obstacle course, but of course, the most important thing is who is able to reach the end.
Is Stumble Guys (GameLoop) a free game?
Yes, Stumble Guys (GameLoop) is a free game that you can play without paying a dime. If you're interested in skins or the battle pass, you can buy them with real money, but Stumble Guys (GameLoop) isn't pay-to-win.
Is Stumble Guys (GameLoop) a clone of Fall Guys?
Stumble Guys (GameLoop) is considered a clone of Fall Guys for Android devices, and although it was based on this game, it has since taken on a life of its own and has been adapted to this platform to offer you a fun experience.
Can I play Stumble Guys (GameLoop) on my PC?
Yes, you can play Stumble Guys (GameLoop) on your PC if you have an emulator for it. On freedown, you can play on your PC with GameLoop, an emulator that you can find by tapping the 'Play on PC' option.
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